Easy way to bulk import "keywords" file (.csv) and "headings" (.csv) in one single step rather than;
Current UX: "Bulk Generation -> Import target keywords -> Outlines -> Add headings -> Import headings -> Repeat this last two step for each keywords listed."
What is requested as new?: "Bulk Generation -> Import target keywords (with headings) (the keyword template should also allow adding "headings" for each keywords as a list, too"
Why?: Because I think some users like me may have already prepared their keywords and all sub-headings in advanced want to apply preset and go! Although I know using cuppa as such is not 100% of the value proposition of the product but then this is a small improvement that can have big impact for users like me who wants to generate 1000s of articles that already researched and use cuppa's other great features (like presets + knowledge etc.) as leverage to build those content.